John mcallister shows intricate botanical paintings at james fuentes` los angeles gallery

Designboom_ Artist John McAllister’s latest exhibition, sometimes splendid seeming…stellar even…ripping, at James Fuentes’ Los Angeles gallery, invites viewers to explore the temporal and symbolic cycles of nature through his intricate landscape and playful still-life paintings. Inspired by his ritual bike rides around his home in Florence, Massachusetts, McAllister captures the fleeting moments in nature, from decaying winters and blossoming springs. Each piece is born from a close observation of the natural world, its landscapes backdropped by glimmering sunsets and skies speckled with stars. John McAllister‘s show, sometimes splendid seeming…stellar even…ripping, is on view at James Fuentes gallery in Los Angeles from April 13th — June 1st, 2024.

The artist’s paintings are characterized by their exaggerated palettes and intricate details, shaping dense patterns of leaves, petals, and branches. His work spans the personal and universal, blending the linear progression of human life with the cyclical patterns of nature. This duality is further explored in his still-life compositions, where domestic scenes are contrasted with abstract depictions of nature to pair wilderness with the human-made environment. designboom spoke with McAllister to learn more about the themes and inspirations behind his work.