Eight suspended red ovoids by SpY dance in pendular sequences
Designboom_ Urban and spatial artist SpY presents Ovoids, a kinetic installation of eight red ovoids suspended from the ceiling, moving in pendular sequences. With their suggestive geometry, these ovoids evoke the forms that nature has evolutionarily developed to satisfy essential functions such as protection and storage, thus ensuring survival and reproduction. What distinguishes this installation is the hypnotic pendular swaying of the aligned ovoids, whose continuous and rhythmic movement captures the viewer’s attention and induces a state of full contemplation. From this attentive observation, the constant oscillation relaxes the conscious activity of the brain, subtly evoking natural states of light trance.
As the audience enters and walks through the installation, the different viewpoints and pendulum cycles reveal ever-changing patterns and forms. Spanish artist SpY invites visitors to explore this work through a proposal that combines space and movement, offering an active experience that engages the public in a suggestive sensory and perceptual journey.
Commissioned by Balloon Museum, SpY shares the ‘Euphoria: Art is in the Air’ exhibition in Rome, Italy, with international artists such as Martin Creed, Marta Minujín, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, A.A.Murakami, Quiet Ensemble, Nils Völker, among others.