Call for entries nature based genefration
The Nature Based Generations Contest aims at rewarding best practices, projects, products, researches, applications, initiatives and solutions adopting a nature driven approach in tackling economic, social and environmental challenges including, but not limited to, climate change, water security, water pollution, food security, human health and disaster risk management. Submissions must fall in one of the categoriesbelow:
3.materials and processes
The call is open to a variety of players ranging from NGOs to international and local institutions, to groups to individuals, who are actively contributing to address the above challenges. The scientific panel will be responsible for the selection of applications to be submitted with deadline 7th September as digital contents as follows:
Audiovisual file containing the narrative of the idea, either made, on-going or to be developed, belonging to one among the following typologies: a.application, b.initiative, c.practice d.product, e. project, f.research, g.solution. The file can be in any extension readable through VLC media player, max length 5 minutes, max weight 100 megabit. File should be named as follows:
One page document containing: title, place, scope of work, author(s) and if a team, the team's representative. File should be named as follows: nbg_category_typology_title_representativesurname_02
Applications will be sent as a wetransfer link, before 7 September 2019, to the following email address:
Ten shortlisted applicants for each category will be notified by the 11th September and will have until the 30th of September to provide the high-resolution file. Team representatives of the five applications (one for each category) that will get the highest scores by the Scientific Committee will be invited to participate in a panel discussion to take place on main stage, at the D3, during the Dubai Design Week. Travel and boarding expenses of the invitees will be granted thanks to sponsorships.
submission deadline:
7 September 2019